Pardis Technology University to Establish National AI Lab Following INOTEX Agreement


The President of the Islamic Azad University’s Pardis Branch of Science and Technology announced the agreement to set up a national artificial intelligence laboratory at this university unit during INOTEX.

Dr. Hossein Asghari Shiavayi, in an exclusive interview with the INOTEX 2024 media hub reporter, said: “INOTEX creates excellent conditions for visitors to attend specialized sessions, and one of the reasons we brought the National Artificial Intelligence Conference to INOTEX was to provide an opportunity for visitors in the related field of artificial intelligence to participate and attend the sessions. Many people who had seen the conference poster participated in our panels and workshops.”

He mentioned the effective role of Pardis Technology Park in these gatherings, saying: “Pardis University, as the beating heart of the park with the dynamism of 5,000 young students in the Pardis innovation area, has created good conditions to turn technology from science into practice, and the close cooperation between the park and the university in the Pardis innovation area will bear good fruits.”

He noted: “This year, the Islamic Azad University’s Pardis Branch of Science and Technology hosted the first Artificial Intelligence Conference with high-quality speakers from top universities, and there was a good reception from students, specialists, and enthusiasts in this field.”

He stated: “Artificial intelligence is a key subject for the country, and we must reach the level of the top ten countries that have become empowered in the field of artificial intelligence. Holding such conferences can greatly assist in gathering experts in this field.”

The President of the Islamic Azad University’s Pardis Branch of Science and Technology announced the launch of a national artificial intelligence laboratory at Pardis University and expressed: “One of the outcomes of holding this conference was an agreement with the University of Tehran to establish an artificial intelligence laboratory at the national level at Pardis University, which is a great opportunity for students.”

Where are we?

Address: Seraj Complex, Pardis Technology Park, 20th km of Damavand Road, Tehran, Iran

Asna: FLR. 3 No. 40 Naqdi St. Mofatteh Ave. Beheshti Ave , Tehran, Iran

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